Friday, November 30, 2007

Random Stuff I've been meaning to share.

This is a crazy video from the Mini Truckin' Nationals in Pigeon Forge, TN from 2000. For those that haven't been to such an event around dark people line the streets to watch the cruise that's 4 lanes wide and just kinda hang out. We were doing the same on this very night. While taping a crowd of people from across the street (because it looked like something interesting was going to happen) out of no where comes this monstrous screeching sound. Hence the video below.

So, now that you've watched it, you have right. The story that we were told was there was a bet the guy in the fire bird couldn't do 3 donuts in the middle of those 3 or 4 lanes. Well, the organized a few dozen people to stop traffic and the fun began. Now the cops show up and he was held at gun point and everybody was run out of the parking building but him and the cop. The cop puts his gun away, shakes the guys hand, tells him it's the craziest thing he's ever seen, if the car so much as moves the rest of the weekend they'd put him under the jail, he drives off and tells him have a nice day. People started throwing money at the fire bird when he came back out. So he probably pocked several hundred dollars.

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