I'm really just ranting here. I've just had a hell of a time and I have no one to explode on that doesn't agree with me, which is pretty much half a battle, having someone that doesn't agree with you to argue with. It's no fun to try and argue with people that agree.
We bought the SS Trailblazer a couple months ago. During the test drive, my over
sensitive ears and sick feeling in my stomach noted a slight wine in the left rear speaker. No biggie, it can be fixed I thought. I noted it during the "So what did you think" part of the conversation. Speaker whines, I noted. "oh yes, we'll fix that"....and I rolled my eyes and thought this is the beginning of the end.
So fast forward to a week ago. The speaker quit working all together. So I did some trouble shooting. Which means I took the dash apart on our brand new truck to isolate it channel by channel. Well, I found out the channel did indeed work but the wiring looked kinda
shotty though, appears safe and the adapter unit which ties in the
Onstar, Bose and Pioneer system looks suspicious. So me and my neighbor (ex-circuit city installer and stereo junkie like myself) figured it was wiring or this adapter deal.
We took the SS to the dealer and explained the channel didn't work with no further details of how much I already know; they get funny when you tell them you've taken it apart and your smarter than they are. They replaced the speaker and called to explain how the speaker was bad and that was clearly the issue with no other concerns. So I had somebody drop me off and I went to get it. Before I so much as moved the blazer I faded it to that channel, surprise, no output. Back around to service I go. Next day, another new speaker just to confirm, it's not the speaker. "Maybe you should look at the wiring, you know those adapters go bad all the time." I suggest. "Oh no, we have a tech (probably making $10/hr with a high school
equivalency diploma) that says a channel in the radio is bad, causing it to blow the speaker." So, a RCA output from an $1100 head unit, with virtually no power on it, by design, is causing the issue, not the $100 adapter that is manually wired in? "Come back
Tuesday and our {
accessory specialist} will look at it". Oh, this can't miss.
So I take it in today to
Chevy service, they say, "go see (name left blank, we'll call her
Betty), at
Cadillac, where the expert is and they'll take care of you". I was standing beside the service manager when he called her on his cell phone.
Literally a 30 second drive to see Betty. I'm here to have my radio checked out, I'm from Chevy, just left there. "you're who, with what?" Oh, this is going good. So after hanging out for about 30
mins after they take it back they explain its going to be a while.
That's fine,
Chevy service manager has explained he'll give me a rental for free. So, again, I must explain this to her. I get a rental, the dodge below this post.
After 6 hrs they call and ask for my sales guys name. Why the hell would they want that I thought. They call right back and explain they can't
warranty it because it's after market,
that's from the sales guy. Uh no, it's GM certified front to back, the fact it is aftermarket and was installed by
retarded monkey's is not my problem. If you wanted to do otherwise, you should have installed the factory unit that you gave to me in the damn box. Yes, they gave me the factory unit as well. Oh yes, they also said its the adapter, oh, like I said 3 weeks ago, not the fully sealed and tested
head unit. Well no shit, who knew? Anyway, I asked how much are we talking and why don't they think they can do it. Oh, it's $400.
That's a $100 adapter unit and your telling me $300 to install it which would take me 10 minutes and I used to do in the parking lot in
high school? "oh, but we had to diagnose it too" no you didn't, I told you what the hell was wrong with it.
So I sternly, though politely explained to call {we'll call him
Dave}. "oh I did", Betty says, "he didn't know
anything about it". You
called Dave, the service manager? "no, I called
Dave in sales". And why the damn hell wouldn't you call
Dave in sales?! Who I've never met nor knows me or anything about my damn channel on my radio not working you worthless, useless waste of oxygen your breathing right now your ignorant
POS! Call Dave, the service manager please. So she says "I need a PO to continue". So, I should call and get you a PO or would you prefer to do this and cut out the middle man. Am I in some sort of alternate universe where everybody is unable to walk and chew gum and think just a little
itty bitty bit. What the hell people. Shit don't work, shit needs fixed...fix it! You've given me a rental for the damn day which I didn't ask for and who knows what it costs but you can't come up with $100 for the part and eat the labor, which I might add, I said was the problem to start with? Seriously?! Horse shit people, remove your head from your ass would you!
So I continued to explain, call Dave, the service manager at Chevy, he'll explain it all. I
already know what the answer is, I just need you to come to the same conclusion, when you do, and my blazer is done, call me and I'll be over in 15 minutes with this weak ass no tire spinning dodge you've rented me.
Surprise, Scott was right, everything is well and the rear channel works. Why is this so hard? Seriously, next time I'm asking for no warranty, $3000 off and I'll fix it my damn self, odds are, more than likely, I probably caused it anyway....except for this damn left rear channel. So help me if it goes out again I'm returning a 400+HP fire breathing beast under the lemon law for a $100 radio adapter.......DAMN IT!