Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Freedom drain follow up

OK, so from the first day forward we pretty much worked ourselves to complete exhaustion. So the routine was get up, eat, work, lunch, work, shower, eat, bed. There's not a lot more to say.
We put down landscape cloth to keep the dirt out of the drain, 1.5 cubic yards of gravel in the ground with a 4" -47' long drain pipe. Then we had to cover that with dirt then put the semi-salvageable sod on top of that and try to get it all level. Every shovel of gravel going in the trench was a shovel of dirt that wasn't going back in so we knew we had a lot of dirt to do something with.

So here is my poor truck with only a half cubic yard of gravel in it. It's squatting a little. If it was an entire yard I would have been doing wheelies on the way home since it would have been over a ton.

So here you can see half way through. I know, terribly exciting isn't it. You can kinda look at the landscape cloth and tell it's pinned into the side. Well we took a bunch of coat hangers and cut and bent them up to make those. All in the details and we frequently forget about the details. So we had to stop and make 60 or so of these.

For the final slope I dug a nice big deep pit and filled it with gravel for the water to dissipate back into the ground. I say deep because it was pretty deep. I'm 6'-3" or so on a good day without a hair cut. It was plenty deep.
OK, a little landscaping humor there. It's not quite that deep but it was over 24" deep and about 3' wide.
Here is where the main collector will be. This catches all the water from the driveway which is the primary culprit.

Here we've covered everything back up. As you can tell with some careful work, you can hardly tell where we even were.

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