Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Guess that Bruise!

It's time for another rousing game of: "Guess that Bruise!"

So I lied when I said we didn't have any pictures from paintball. Mind you this is Tuesday night, we played Saturday day. So just like some CSI work we took the pictures with a tape measure for reference. This way you can print them out to scale and look at them for a while to try and determine who's is who's. I know your just dieing to do this and may run a buy a high grade photo quality printer to accomadate yourself. If need be, I may be able to print them out on mine and send you copies. All pictures are of course copy righted, reserved, have applied for patents and may very well have been the 5th Beatle.

BTW - No, these are not nipples! Get your mind out of the gutter!

So it probably didn't take a genius to figure the top one was me, the bottom one Mandy. Mine was on my inner thigh, take my word for it, it hurt. It pretty much put me on the ground when it hit, granted I didn't have far to go since I was squatted Barney Fife style anyway. Mandy's on the other hand is on her lower back to the right. This was a "I'm hit and walking away" hit. There was probably some in the air before she put her hand in the air to declare she was done. There are 2 more above this but not as bad. 

I truely hoped you enjoyed this round of: "Guess that Bruise - where nobody wins and your glad its over!"

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