Saturday, January 31, 2009

Jimmy Buffett tickets! Score - Center Section!

Like a well trained military branch we got up this morning and fired up the computers and printer planning a full on assault of to buy Jimmy Buffett tickets for April. Economy be damned - I need my Buffett fix!

So it seems live nation and ticket master have split ties and no longer associate, I'm guessing they don't send Christmas cards either. My careful planning had me create a live nation account last night and log in a few times to make sure it all worked right. Good thing because frankly Live Nation is one of the most piss poor sites I've ever been on (next to my play list thing on the right).

The tickets go on sale at 10 and me and Mandy have 2 windows each already on the page waiting to refresh, on 2 computers ready to pounce because its takes precision timing of mouse clicks to get it all to mesh together. So with Disney credit card in hand we start clicking.....error. What the hell?! Error again, and again and again. Curses! We thought maybe it's because we are using google chrome web browser or selecting reserved seats. Nope, turns out Live Nation just really, really sucks. Oh sure, ticket master sucks too, don't get me wrong but at least you got the no tickets available screen or something. For 45 mins we continued the click, reload, error routine. Eventually we got through and I had some good seats, center section rear but pretty far back. After 45 mins trying to get tickets for Buffett, you take what you can get. So we proceeded hoping I could get through before something else crashed.

Now for serious concerts we have yet another plan. Take what you get so you have a fall back plan, then keep clicking like a mad man to see what else you can get. While I'm printing Mandy gets an excellent score and gets center section, down front 10 rows back! $$Cha Ching$$ We earned some more Disney points on the card. My last action will be to check a week before the show when the band and promoter release their reserved tickets back, thats how we got the 2nd row ZZ Top tickets. So now we just have to get rid of 1 set of tickets. I've got them on Craigslist and hopefully will them soon.

Stay tuned on April 24th to hear the story how some drunken loud mouth idiot spilled beer and nachos on me and I got PO'd about it and about got into a fight. Happens every time....but at least it will happen 10 rows back from Jimmy Buffett. Fins up!

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